Friday, January 3, 2014

Study for "Visitation"

      This is one of those studies that could've been a great finished painting but I lost steam when I transferred the drawing to a larger panel. Suddenly it seemed daunting and uninspiring on a large scale. But on a small, loose scale, it's kind of nice. The study will be a part of the "Quoth the Raven" show at Krab Jab Gallery in Georgetown this month.
      My statement for the show: "Crows have always been sacred birds to me. When travelling by foot down long dusty highways, they were my guides. When searching for food, they showed me where to go. When sleeping under bridges and on rooftops, they were my sentinels. I lived with a wounded crow for awhile and this was ecspecially interesting to interact with an indivisual crow on a daily basis. My painting 'visitation' is commemorating that relationship between crows and humans."